fire mitigation

Don’t Add Fuel to the Fire

Protect your property with our fire mitigation services

Overgrown vegetation can be a significant fire accelerant. If you want to reduce the risk of wildfires on your property, it’s important to keep your vegetation under control. You can achieve this goal by hiring DK Forestry. We offer professional fire mitigation services to residential, commercial and municipal property owners. While what we do is helpful for preventing fires, it’s also a tool that can improve your forest health, deter unwanted pests and slow down soil erosion.

If you want to take great care of your property, contact us now to get fire mitigation services.

Let’s get into the specifics

DK Forestry follows several guidelines to provide effective fire mitigation services. We’ll make sure that:

  • You only have one tree every 10-15 feet
  • There are no trees eight inches wide or smaller
  • Trees have their limbs removed up to five feet high
  • All beetle- and insect-infested wood is removed

Do you have any questions about our fire mitigation services? We’ll be glad to answer them when you call us today.

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